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5 fall hair color trends we LUV in 2017

two woman laying in grass beautiful hair by victoria salon

This fall we’re seeing more soft, cool, and darker tones coming around. Light pinks, peachy coral tones, cool grays, rich browns, and blond balayages with tasteful roots… this season the colors are as varied and beautiful as the dropping leaves, and we’re LUVING it!

Here are the top 5 trends we LUV this season:

  1. Soft Pinks and PeachesThe sky is the limit when it comes to colour these days! Pink hair is no longer only for the rebels. You can achieve a beautiful and elegant look with soft and peachy pinks. With these softer colours, you also don’t have to worry as much about the colour fading. Double win!

  2. Cool greysGrey hair is being rocked by all ages these days, young and old. Once a dreaded sign of aging, grey is now being embraced as a cool and stylish option for anyone interested in a slightly edgy, sexy, modern look.

  3. Rich BrownsIf you’re like some of us, you change your hair seasonally. Now that the days are getting darker, sometimes a rich golden brown with some caramel tones is the perfect way to balance that slightly lighter complexion for winter.

  4. Subtle ombre, light and natural looking balayageYou can never go wrong with a natural and classic look. If you want a little extra oomph but aren’t interested in the maintenance, our stylists are pros at giving you the perfect subtle ombre or balayage that looks absolutely seamless. We’re seeing fewer girls go for the harsh ombre we were seeing last season, in favor of a slightly more tame version that continues to look amazing as it grows out.

  5. Show off the rootsOnce upon a time roots were the biggest faux-paux in the hair world. But times are changing. Instead of battling roots, why not embrace them? Our stylists can blend in lighter browns at the crown to softly cascade into a blond balayage. As the roots grow out, the transition will continue to look perfect. So you can save the root touch-ups a couple of weeks longer

We hope you enjoyed this article! Make sure to call or book an appointment online with one of our talented ladies!

And make sure to check out our Instagram for hair-inspiration from the LUV team <3

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